
Thank You Allah...

Thanks for be nice to me as always in my whole life.

For everything You choose to me.
For everything You give to me.
For everything You distant to me.

Thanks for always listening to me when I feel no one can understand me.
Thanks for accompanying me when no one can sit awhile with me.
Thanks for holding me when I've lost my way.
Thanks for comforting me when I feel no one can hold my tears drop.

For every blessing. It's your love, isn't it?
For every happiness. It's your gift, isn't it?
For every rejection. It's your protection, isn't it?

Thanks for never living me alone.
Thanks for send me right people to love me, care me, protect me.

Guide me in every step I do in my whole life.
Don't let me far away from You...
And finally, thanks for everything.

-Anggit Paramadita-Februari 2011- 

 Putting a bright smile on my face ^^

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